What Is Our Mission John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and that they may have Life more abundantly. NKJV The mission for Today Can Make A Difference is to be a witness of great and mighty things that God has done. To be a living testimony of God’s love, His (Jesus) grace, and His (Jesus) ever-lasting mercy. To go forth with a message of hope and encouragement thru actual testimonies of individuals that have had a life changing encounter with God the Father. “For what God has done for one he will do for all”. To proclaim that there is life and life more abundantly in Jesus name. To encourage us to get out of the boat, our comfort zone, and step out in faith and live the abundant life that God has chosen for us.
Why We Do What We DO Today Can Make A Difference: Today Can be a day of great blessings and favor, we believe that God wants all His children to be blessed and favored. It is up to us to choose blessings or curses; choose to put Jesus in His rightful place first in our life. Matthew 6:33. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you”. There are all kinds of self help programs on the market today, some take 30days, 60 days, 90 days some in as little as 10 or even 7 days to change your life. But the truth is today you can make a decision that will change the rest of your life. The decision to confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and that moment He (Jesus) accepts full responsibility for you and forgives all your sins. A decision to put Him (Jesus) first in all that you do will change your life and will put you in position to receive blessings and favor, the abundant life that we were expected to live. The choice is ours life or death.
Where We Will Be Today Can Make A Difference will have nights of celebration throughout the United States. The team Today Can has a love and thirst for our Lord and Savior and a true love for all His people. At your invitation we will host a night of celebration with you. Groups from 500 to 1,000 would be ideal. These nights of celebrations will be funded thru the generosity of the local businesses that want to be part of making a powerful difference in there community. These nights of celebrations will be free to the public. We are looking forward to experiencing a night of celebration with you.